Conversion estimate for influencer markerters

Estimate the value earned from a sponsored post on a given account, powered by data from advertisers who promote products with influencers.

How it works


Enter the account handle


Answer a short questionnaire about the product you'd like to promote


You're done!
We'll send you a report to your inbox

Understand the audience

Based on historical conversion data from advertisers, collected by Beta Labs and other partners that have collaborated with influencers, Influencer Meter reports the estimated conversion rate for a sponsored post.

The bot problem

It has now become harder than ever to understand the authenticity of an account's activity. Influencer Meter helps by assessing how many followers, likes, and comments look suspiciously fake.

Understand the account

We define influencer accounts as those which can influence the buying behavior of its followers. However, they can be broken into different types, each good for a different purpose in your marketing strategy.


The value of a sponsored post is highly intangible and will not bring immediate results. However, the collaboration will help you build the brand in the long run.

Niche influencers

The value will depend a lot on the type of promoted product. We’ll be able to give you an estimated ROI if it’s aligned with the niche of the account.

Publisher accounts

The value is associated to the volume of traffic these types of accounts drive. These accounts publish content related to some kind of theme or parody.

Data you won't find elsewhere

We built this database out of trial and error, working with thousands of influencers. Coupled with data provided by our partners, we'll give you an estimate we trust our own campaigns with.

We couldn't find any other tool that would assess an influencer's value in this way, so we decided to open ours to all advertisers and marketers so we can keep improving it ().

Currently, this tool is only accurate for the type of products we promote, but it serves as a starting point at the very least.